Overview of Over-the-Counter Medicine Sales and Investment at "X" Pharmacy, Karang Anyar District, Tarakan City Using ABC Analysis Year 2022
ABC analysis, pharmacy, planningAbstract
Drug management includes planning drug availability, including type, amount, quality, and quantity, to increase efficiency. One method used in drug planning is ABC or Pareto. This research aims to look at the sales and investment picture of over-the-counter OTC drugs at Pharmacy "X" using ABC analysis based on sales data for 2022. This research is a quantitative descriptive research, the retrospective data obtained was analyzed using Microsoft Excel® with the ABC method. The OTC drug data obtained was then classified into 3 groups, namely A, B, and C with cumulative percentages for groups A (70%), B (20%), and C (10%) of the sales or investment value. Based on the results of the analysis, it was found that drugs with sales value in group A contained 147 items of medicine with an investment value of Rp. 381,662,590 (69.91%). Meanwhile, group B contained 164 medicinal items with an investment value of Rp. 109,472,850 (20.05%). Meanwhile, for group C there are 305 items of medicine with an investment value of Rp. 54,790,100 (10.04%). The research conclusion shows that category A dominates the investment value, while category C has a lower investment contribution even though the number of types of drugs is greater.
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